Best Cook Builds in Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Cook has a very essential ability for tracking down Victims in Texas Chain Saw Massacre and making sure they don’t escape. Although you have all of Grandpa’s abilities as well to help you track Victims, you’ll want to utilize Cook’s listening ability to help find them easily, too. Putting the proper points into attributes and equipping the right perks could make all the difference when playing a character like Cook. Take a look at what I found to be the best build options for him!

Texas Chainsaw Massacre Best Cook Build Guide

Despite being one of the older family members, Cook has some keen hearing and can use it to pinpoint Victim’s exact locations from any noise that they make. Being the owner of the property also helps him lock down spaces tighter and makes it harder for Victims to escape. You’ll want to boost these talents as much as possible by focusing on attributes and perks that can help him detect players more easily and corner them into deadly situations. Take a look at all the best build choices below:

Best Attributes for Cook in Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Although there aren’t specific attributes that can affect his hearing ability or locking, you can focus on attributes that will help him make up for his weakness as well and get around quicker when he does detect a noise.

You can level up Attributes by collecting Attribute Points from the Skill Tree and then placing the points in the field that you like. I found these as the most useful attributes to focus on for him:

  • Savagery: Determines melee attack damage.
  • Endurance: Determines the Family’s total stamina capacity, along with stamina drain, regen rate, and melee attack frequency.

Related: Best Leatherface Builds in Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Best Perks for Cook in Texas Chainsaw Massacre

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Cook has some unique perks that pair perfectly with his main Seek ability, but there are some other options as well that will help detect Victims more easily and use his ability more often.

Remember, you can only equip three perks at one time, and you’ll need to unlock them from the Skill Tree, so choose wisely. You can also create multiple loudouts to try out different options at any time. These are the ones I found the most effective for him:

  • Prey Drive: Spotting a Victim increases stamina recharge by a certain percentage for a short time.
  • Security Pins: Added locks are harder to unlock for Victims.
  • Punishment: After finding a Victim in a hiding spot, extra damage will be dealt.
  • I Smell Blood: Your proximity range is increased to help you stay focused on the last Victim.
  • Rage: Successfully hitting a Victim will fill your ability bar by a small percentage.
  • Warmed Up: After winning or losing a close encounter, you gain a percentage of your ability bar.
  • Scout: Your movement speed is increased, but melee damage is reduced slightly.

These are just a few of the best perks and attributes that I found to be the most effective for Cook. However, you can switch it up by mixing and matching any of the abilities above or by adding in different ones to find the best set for your play style.

Looking for more Steam Game Guides Texas Chain Saw content? Check out our guides on Best Johnny Builds in Texas Chainsaw Massacre or Best Sissy Builds in Texas Chainsaw Massacre!

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