How to movestack in Rogue Demon – Roblox


Each fighting style in Rogue Demon has several different abilities to use in battle. The best fighters will be able to pair their abilities together and use them effectively to create a combo or movestack. Movestacks keep stunning your opponent and drawing them back in for consecutive hits to maximize damage and allow for that execution moment. Here’s how to perform a movestack against your enemies and get the upper hand every time.

How to movestack in Rogue Demon

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A movestack is essentially a combo of several different abilities used consecutively. This restricts the enemy from attacking and deals the most damage. To begin a movestack, you must first use your M1 combo to knock an enemy back; this is an M1 attack four or five times, and then immediately follow it up with an ability. You can then build on that combo by continuing to stun your enemy and using your abilities back to back to maximize your damage.

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Some abilities can be difficult to use in a movestack, since you have to be accurate with your aim once an enemy is knocked back. I would suggest using Shockwave, String, or Temari styles. They are better for practicing your movestacks and combos because they have long-range attacks that can reach your enemy more easily when they get knocked backward. I like to hit opponents with an M1 attack and then follow it with a String Pull to draw them back toward me for following hits.

It can take time to learn to movestack effectively, but keep practicing to improve and eventually take your enemies down with ease. Your goal is to keep using attacks as rapidly as you can and blocking when necessary to prevent your opponents from returning any blows back at you.

Looking for more Pro Game Guides Roblox content? Check out our guides on How to get Rogue Coins fast in Rogue Demon – Roblox or Rogue Demon Codes!


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