Overseas Terror Review – A great tribute to the cult classics


The horror genre holds a special place in my heart. since I was exposed to Ringo At a young age, I was chasing a very specific feeling that only scary movies, comics, and games can fill. This feeling isn’t fear either, but a very unique sense of tension and fascination that the genre can pull out of its most obsessive fans.

It is very clear that external terrorism is created by people who feel the same call to the dark and scary side of the media. Inspiration from the golden age of horror comics in the 80’s and 90’s is run throughout the game, to the point where each level acts as its own interactive horror comic.

This unique presentation is enough for me to recommend Outer Terror because you certainly won’t find anything else like it on the market right now. However, Fanboying aside, I’ve yet to give a fair review of the game, and most people who aren’t already sold on the game’s presentation will wonder how it plays. What kind of players will this game attract? How exciting is a roguelike?

my answer? It’s kind of a mixed bag.

Outer Terror is an Action-Adventure, Arcade Roguelike, which is a very long way of saying that the game plays a lot like Vampire Survivors. Various weapons and balls will make it easier to deal with an increasingly larger crowd of enemies. Your character will periodically and automatically use the items you stack on them, with the only required player involvement being movement, dashing, and the use of some basic items.

It’s a style of play popularized by the aforementioned Vampire Survivors, and one I haven’t seen many games emulate since then (I’m sure not trying on my end). I think Outer Terror makes good use of the mechanics, and it fits with the overall look and vibe of the game.

Although Outer Terror is a horror game, it won’t scare you. Think of it like a B-List Monster movie. There are definitely scary themes at play, but it’s more about having fun and being fascinated by creepy monsters than it is about scaring your pants.

You start a level in Outer Terror by selecting from a list of comic titles, each bringing a unique story, setting, and enemies to encounter. I was quick to notice the SCP storyline in the lineup, which I thought was a neat little tie-in.

At this point I should mention that I played an early release, review version of this game. My experience with the game may not be the same as yoursSo please be aware that some changes may have been made by the time you read this!

You will love some stories more than others. The weakest, in my opinion, was actually the aforementioned SCP title, which I thought was really incomplete and had a strange cadence. In fact, I’m pretty sure, after viewing the store page, that this story is no longer SCP-related at all in the final game.

My favorite was definitely The Gray Death, which may not have been the title of the story at launch. This story follows an ancient and fearsome deity who gives his “gift” to mankind, forcing them to create huge mounds of twisted flesh ala James Gunn. slid. This is also the level that seems to play as intended the best, as some others in my copy have featured bugs or gameplay mechanics that feel like they’re scrapped that I’m sure won’t make it into the final game.

External terror gray death 1 photo
Photo: Salt & Pixel LLC

Once you get into your story, the gameplay has two parts. First, you move your character around the screen, shooting large hordes of monsters and accumulating experience. Once you get enough experience to level up, you can choose from one of three weapons to add to your cycle shootout. This is a roguelike element.

External Terrorism game's photo
Photo: Salt & Pixel LLC

The second part of the gameplay involves traversing the map, interacting with NPCs, and following the story, such as helping a Professor secure a town from the hordes of Gray Death. Like I said, you will like some stories more than others, and that will affect your enjoyment of the level.

The game has a number of different characters that you can play, each with their own abilities. Initially, you should only be able to play the two characters linked to a comic’s story, but with my copy, I was able to select the entire roster after playing the story with the desired characters once.

Terror character output Select the image
Photo: Salt & Pixel LLC

One of the best things this game has to offer is co-op, allowing two players to level up simultaneously. While I wasn’t able to experience it personally, I could definitely see how much more fun this game would be with a friend.

There is not much to say about foreign terrorism. It’s a neat and short game with a unique presentation that you won’t find anywhere else. Each level can take an hour or more to finish, maybe less with a friend.

I imagine the developers will continue to add more stories in the future, giving this game an endless lifespan. With the addition of these items, along with the occasional new weapon buffs and enemy types, I don’t see Otter Terror getting old too quickly for anyone who can stick to its simple but addictive gameplay.

The last word

Otter Terror is a game with a unique presentation and a tried-and-true, trick-or-treat gameplay model. The time to enjoy this game will definitely vary from person to person, but fans of similar games are sure to find plenty of hours of fun in this title.


This Try Hard Guides PC review version of this game has been provided. Find more detailed looks at popular and upcoming titles in the game reviews section of our website! External terrorism is available on steam And epic games.


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