Overwatch 2’s May 9 Starwatch patch: Nerfs, Buffs, and Changes


Overwatch 2’s May 9 Starwatch patch brings a variety of changes, including buffs for Ana and buffs for Junker Queen, Junkrat, and Echo. In addition to hero balance adjustments, the patch introduces new events, general and competitive updates, and quality of life improvements for several heroes.

The Starwatch: Galactic Rescue event is a new four-point attack mode where players can side with the Watcher Rebels or the Infinite Empire. Completing event challenges can unlock limited-time cosmetics, such as the Asteroid Wrecking Ball Epic skin, and up to 50,000 Battle Pass XP. The Battle for Olympus event also returns to celebrate the victory of Zeus Junker Queen in Season 2.

General updates include changes to the Ping system, allowing the Junker Queen to ping targets through surfaces where her knife is stuck, and an update to the Push game mode that increases players’ respawn time by two seconds when their team’s forward spawning location is activated. Matchmaking has seen improvements to the MMR fading system for a more accurate recalibration for returning players.

The 2023 Competitive Deathmatch season is set to begin on May 16th.

Junker Queen receives buffs to her Scattergun, Jagged Blade, Rampage, and Adrenaline Rush abilities, while Orisa Augmented Fusion Driver’s damage increases. Winston’s Jet Pack damage radius is also increased for more consistency.

Echo Duplicate’s final cost is reduced by 25%, but its final output during activity is reduced. Junkrat’s concussion mine damage has been increased to improve effectiveness.

Healing from exploding Anna’s Bio Bomb has been reduced, while Baptiste’s Immortality Field cooldown has been shortened. Kiriko and Lifeweaver receive modifications to their abilities to improve gameplay.

The patch also introduces multiple quality of life settings for several heroes, including D.Va, Doomfist, Orisa, Ramattra, Reinhardt, Roadhog, Sigma, Winston, Wrecking Ball, Bastion, Cassidy, Echo, Genji, Mei, Pharah, Reaper, and Sombra. and Symmetra, Torbjörn, Tracer, Baptiste, Brigitte, Kiriko, Lifeweaver, Lúcio, Mercy, and Zenyatta.

Bug fixes in the update address issues with maps, heroes, and other general gameplay elements, ensuring a smoother gaming experience for Overwatch 2 players.

For the full batch of patch notes, head over to Official post on the Overwatch website.


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