AMEDAMA delayed until early 2024

Publisher and developer IzanagiGames and developer ACQUIRE have delayed Side-scrolling, soul-swapping action-adventure sandbox game AMEDAMA from its previously planned 2023 release window to early 2024. It will be available on PC via Steam. A demo is currently available.

The key image was also published, which is illustrated by lack.

Here’s an overview of the game, via IzanagiGames:


AMEDAMA is a new side-scrolling, soul-swapping sandbox action-adventure game from ACQUIRE and IzanagiGames, featuring lacking character design (Fate/Grand Order, Touken Ranbu), and music by Yuko Komiyama (Monster hunter series). AMEDAMAThe historical Japanese setting comes to life in a striking pixel art style.

Yushin and his sister Yui run the local umbrella shop. One night, while it is raining outside, a group of men break in and kill Yushin before Yui’s eyes. With nothing but his soul, Yushin must fight tooth and nail, possessing any body he can in the quest to find his sister and uncover the truth behind her disappearance. With only seven days before her soul fades away, will he be able to save her in time? Transport yourself to feudal Japan in the late Edo period and experience a story of rain and reincarnation, brought to life with stunning new 2D visuals.


Aihama, Japan. The last years of the Edo period.

One rainy afternoon, a group of men broke into the umbrella shop run by the town’s brothers. Yushin is killed in front of her sister Yui, leaving her alone in the world.

The next thing he knows, he is looking at his own wounded corpse: a disembodied soul.

The grim incident shatters the peace in this quiet backwater. Lurking beneath the surface is an intricate and deeply rooted plot, shrouded in a veil of mystery.

Until Yui is safe, not even death is enough to extinguish Yushin’s soul. He will stop at nothing in his search for her, moving from one body to another, possessing anyone and anything to rescue her sister.

But with only seven days left until his soul leaves this world, will he be able to save Yui in time?

This is a story of rain, reincarnation and revenge.

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