Hideki Kamiya, who launched a post-platinum YouTube channel, says he’s not retiring

Platinum Games co-founder Hideki Kamiya announced his departure from the studio last month. After setting it up in Osaka, Japan in 2006, he left the cause up in the air, having worked on games like Bayonetta and The Wonderful 101. He simply said, “This has been arrived at after a lot of consideration based on my own beliefs” and that he thinks “this result is excellent.” Now, just a few weeks later, Kamiya has launched a YouTube channel — aptly called the “Hideki Kamiya Channel” — and in his first video, he’s revealed that he’s not retiring, as first reported. Video Games Chronicle.

In the video, we see Kamiya leaving his office with a box of knick-knacks and more before leaving in a Lamborghini. In the first video, he talks about being currently unemployed, joking that people should subscribe to his channel. Video Games Chronicle Kamiya says he hasn’t been to work in a while.

“I think it’s been about three months since I decided to quit,” he translated Video Games Chronicle. “Once I decided to leave, I had to clean up all these toys and things like that. After I finished cleaning up, I was home with my paid leave.”

When discussing why he left, he leaves the reason vague, saying, “There’s no way to put it.” However, he continues, “I left the company because I want to follow my beliefs as a game creator and choose a path that (I) feel is right and move forward. Yeah, so I’m not going to retire yet. I want to continue creating games.”

For now, though, Kamiya says the “reasons” attached to his departure from Platinum Games are that he can’t work on games for a year due to potentially non-compete clauses. Video Games Chronicle notes.

For more information, read the announcement of Kamiya’s departure.

Kamiya co-founded Platinum Games with Shinji Mikami, who is no longer around and left Tango Gameworks earlier this year. Some fans think that Kamiya and Mikami will reunite, though there is no indication that they will at this point. Kamiya’s idea of ​​creating a YouTube channel is similar to that of Masahiro Sakurai. Masahiro Sakurai on the Creating Games YouTube channel While taking some time off from work after the release of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate during the Switch’s lifecycle.

(Source: Video Games Chronicle)

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