The first Descendants will get a full release next summer

First Descendant is a play-to-play looter shooter from Nexon. There have been beta sessions before, but the game is getting a full, proper launch next summer. The exact date is still up in the air, however According to the developers’ blog post, will be announced as soon as they pin it. Check out the latest trailer below.

In The First Descendant, you play as, you guessed it, the Descendants – a group of unique characters each with different abilities and moves. Your goal is to defend the planet from invaders called Colossi using the game’s third-person shooting and RPG mechanics. A new trailer gives us a cinematic look at one of those fights, this time showcasing an entirely new lineage.

There’s no gameplay in this trailer, but the team assures fans that they’re working on refining said game based on feedback from the nearly two million players who checked out their last open beta session. The main purpose of that beta is to test crossplay features, which makes sense, since the game is launching on Xbox, PlayStation, and PC. Check it out for free when it launches simultaneously on all those platforms in the summer of 2024.

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