The Steam Client Beta update brings a lot of new changes and improvements


the The latest Steam Client Beta update It brings with it a host of new features and improvements designed to improve the overall Steam Desktop experience. Users are encouraged to test these features and provide feedback to aid further development.

Although it wasn’t seen right away, the update includes big changes under the hood. These changes include a restructuring of code sharing across the Steam Desktop Client, Big Picture Mode, and the Steam Deck. This shift allows for faster implementation and iteration of new features, such as the local network transport update, which was introduced simultaneously in both the Steam Client and the Steam Deck.

In addition to the major tweaks, the update brings several visual and usability improvements targeted across Steam. The developers have updated dialogs, menus, fonts, and colors in various sections, including the main Steam header, settings, and the game server browser.

Example image of the Steam Beta toolbar
Image: valve

In-Game Overlay has been completely revamped to provide a new user interface that offers greater usefulness and customizability. The toolbar has been redesigned to provide easy access to features such as friend chat, achievements, guides, discussions, and the browser. Users can customize the toolbar with their favorite content, which is then saved between games.

The Game Overview section serves as a central hub for updates regarding the game since the user last played it, including achievement progress, friends playing the same game, top guides, news, and more. Meanwhile, the new Notes app allows users to create notes for each game they play, complete with rich text formatting and the option to use it offline. Notes are saved for each game, synced across computers, and accessible outside of the game overlay on the game details page.

Steam Beta Notes Featured Image
Image: valve

Another notable addition is the ability to pin windows from the overlay, such as Notes, Guides, Discussions, and the Web Browser, so that they appear on top of the game while you play. Users can adjust the opacity level, and only the contents of the window will be pinned, excluding the title bar and other user interface elements.

The update also improves Steam Client notifications, making them more informative and useful. The green button is now only activated when there is already new content for the user. The tray view only shows new notifications, with a View All page available for a historical overview.

Steam beta screenshot changes the image
Image: valve

The screenshot manager has been completely updated, providing users with a more responsive interface, the choice between large or small thumbnails, and the option to view recent screenshots instead of those sorted by game. The manager also allows users to manage online and local screenshots.

The update’s artwork made it possible to enable hardware acceleration for the Mac and Linux versions of Steam, resulting in faster animations, scrolling, and a more responsive user interface. Linux users can try out the new client today, while Mac users will have to wait a few more weeks for public testing.

To sign up for the Steam Client Beta and try out these new features, users can Follow the instructions provided. Feedback and bug reports are encouraged and can be Shared in forums To help enhance and improve your Steam experience.


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