Bethesda’s 2024 plans for Starfield include expanded ship customization and more

Earlier this month, developer Bethesda Game Studios revealed on the Starfield subreddit that it was working on new ways to travel, mod support, and more for the game. Now, the company has expanded its 2024 plans for Starfield into a new one Year-end updateIncluding additional ship customization.

“We’ll be adding new ways to travel and you’ll now be able to access city maps while exploring major cities,” the update reads. “For those who love shipbuilding, we’re expanding ship customization with ship decorations, new shipbuilding options and more.

“We’re excited to add all new gameplay options. With these new settings, you’ll be able to change your game to allow for an easier or more challenging experience that extends beyond our normal ‘difficulty’ settings. Carrying capacity, cargo access distance, ship damage, vendor debts, how you experience difficulties , new survival mechanics and more that you can easily customize.”

Bethesda says these updates will begin in February, with the team targeting updates roughly every six weeks.

After the launch of ship customization and new gameplay options, Bethesda says official mod support will be next with the launch of Creations. “Starfield will get its own exporter early next year, and you’ll have access to a new creation kit,” the update reads.

The update ends with Bethesda teasing Starfield’s first expansion, Shattered Space, which will be released next year. It includes new story content, new locations, new gear and more.

Elsewhere in the update, Bethesda has shared some interesting statistics about Starfield players in 2023 so far:

  • 22,284,331 days have been played so far across all players
  • Average play time per player is 40 hours
  • 26,027,845 hours were spent building the ships
  • 1,972,345, 902 planets visited
  • 4,575,290 outposts visited
  • The most dangerous faction was the Ecliptic, with 12,276,466 deaths
  • The most dangerous life form is Ashta, accounting for 1,712,447 deaths
  • Battlemeal Multipack is a favorite meal of players (eaten 18,395,892 times).
  • Combattech is the most trusted weapon of Beowulf players (595,023,360 kills).
  • 1,631,993 Starborn players
  • The most used energy is the Sense Star stuff
  • 5,178,133 players have passed Unity

For more information about the game, read on Game Informers Read on for a Starfield review and then how it’s the biggest launch ever for a Bethesda game. After that, check out this story about how Starfield is surprisingly awesome using Remote Play, and then read about why I think Starfield is more like a sci-fi theme park than an open-world adventure.

What feature are you most looking forward to for Starfield in 2024? Let us know in the comments below!

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