OneShot Developer Future Cat Games Announces Margin of the Strange for PC, a Gardening-Themed Mystery Exploration Game

A drink Developer Future Cat Games has Announced Edge of the strange, a gardening-themed mystery exploration game about the world of dreams. It will be available for PC through Steam. A release date has not yet been announced. TO Boot campaign will be released on May 21.

Here’s an overview of the game, via its official website.


Edge of the strange is a gardening-themed mystery exploration game about the world of human dreams. You play as Ling, a young man who experiences the phenomenon of “dreaming” for seemingly the first time. He discovers that the dream world is actually a kind of ecosystem: an expanding, crystalline, alien dimension dictated by strange physical laws. Over the course of six weeks, Ling seeks to learn more about this world to unravel the mysteries surrounding his own life…and his own death.

Key Features

  • Grow plants to reverse local entropy.
  • Make friends, they will have information.
  • Stare at lamps and drink sugar water (moth stuff).
  • Make friends with moths, they will help you with the three things above.

Watch the Kickstarter announcement trailer below. See the first screenshots in the gallery.

Kickstarter Announcement Trailer


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