The Strong Bad’s cool for attractive people is facing yet another write-off


The Strong Bad’s great for attractive people is heading towards another cross off the list, according to Announcement from the Telltale Team on Steam. This latest development is part of an ongoing saga for the spin-off comedy series, which has seen multiple takedowns and reruns across various platforms.

The game’s turbulent history Verified by Delisted GamesPrevious deletions were revealed from on May 27, 2019, and from Steam on February 11, 2020. Furthermore, the game was removed from the Nintendo Wii no later than January 30, 2019, coinciding with the platform’s shutdown.

Despite these setbacks, the game has once again found its way to digital storefronts, with its return to Steam and on December 7, 2020. This restoration was announced by Telltale Games on Twitterand highlight the return of three titles from the “Telltale Archives” – Wallace & Gromit, Strong Bad, and Telltale Texas Hold ‘Em.

However, the reprieve proved to be short. Telltale announced that they no longer owned the intellectual property rights, and therefore could no longer support or sell the game series. They expressed their gratitude to the players and confirmed that those who purchased the game could still download all the episodes from the PC digital storefronts where they purchased the game.

As a brief update, Strong Bad’s Cool for Hot People pushes players into the whimsical world of, featuring the popular character Strong Bad. The game, which spans over five episodes, offers unique stories co-written by the creators Homestarrunner.comand invites players to interact with fan-favorite characters like Homestar, The Cheat, and Bubs.

The occasional lineup includes:

  • Homestar Ruiner: Strong Bad plans a practical prank that ends with an unwelcome house guest.
  • Strong Badia the Free: Players can join Homestarmy and help Strong Bad overthrow the corrupt king of the city.
  • Baddest of the Bands: When criticism becomes a concern, Strong Bad looks to rock and roll for a solution.
  • Dangeresque 3: Strong Bad stars in an adventure movie.
  • 8-Bit Enough: The Dragon Trogdor is wreaking havoc, and it’s up to players to restore balance.


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