Why fans feel Resident Evil 5 may not be a good idea


CAPCOM recently released its Resident Evil 4 remake, receiving very positive reviews and love from the fans. If you read my Resident Evil 4 Remake review, you’ll know that I count myself among the game’s rabid fans. The RE4 edition brought fresh graphics and carefully overhauled to bring back one of the most unique and terrifying Resident Evil titles to date.

RE4 is hardly the first Resident Evil remake CAPCOM has released. Although the Resident Evil remake goes back to the way it was in the original Resident Evil back in 2015, it’s the Resident Evil 2 remake in 2019 that really sets the precedent for the remake of RE. Since then, three and four have been released with similar gameplay and graphics, and it seems logical to expect Resident Evil 5 to follow in a short sequel.

However, not everyone is thrilled with the idea of ​​a Resident Evil 5 remake. In fact, while Resident Evil 4 has received some moderate reactions to the remake, fans haven’t been as vocal about their opposition to the RE-make as they have been to RE5. If a Resident Evil 5 remake is indeed in the works, CAPCOM can expect to receive some negative feedback about the title.

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Before we get into why some fans don’t want a Resident Evil 5 reboot, let’s get some facts straight. Notably, Capcom has yet to confirm a RE5 remake. However, it is the ending of RE4, without spoiling anything for new players, that directly sets up the events of RE5. Whether or not this means CAPCOM wants players to expect a reboot is unclear, so we can’t confirm a remake of the title just yet.

Resident Evil 5 follows Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance (BSAA) agents Chris Redfield and Sheva Alomar as they investigate a potential bioterrorist threat in Kijugo, a fictional region in West Africa. The game also sees the return of Jill Valentine and Albert Wesker, as well as an epic final showdown against the iconic Resident Evil antagonist, which, for many, felt like the end of the series. I, like many others, loved Resident Evil 5, but it’s not hard to see why fans are so reluctant to remake the game.

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Honestly, Resident Evil 5 is an absolutely amazing game. Between the over-the-top fight scenes and Chris Redfield famously punching a rock, it’s easy to say the game strays a little from the darker, more serious tone that CAPCOM seems to take on in its remakes. Fans of the original fear what this might mean if the game receives the RE-make treatment.

While CAPCOM has remained largely true to the RE4 experience, there are those who feel that some of the game’s smarter, more action-oriented aspects have been toned down or removed altogether to make the game feel more serious. While it’s more refined in RE4, giving Resident Evil 5 the same treatment would mean sharper and more drastic cuts to the original. It’s not at all unreasonable for fans of the original to get nervous about the cuts Capcom might make to maintain a more serious tone.

There are also those who believe the game simply isn’t old enough to warrant a rework. Originally released in 2009, the game looked amazing back then and still looks good to this day. Besides some outdated controls, you can still easily tell RE5 is still holding up.

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The last real argument against re-making RE5, which I very much agree with, is that Wesker’s story simply wasn’t told enough through RE-making to justify the release of his final chapter. Wesker, while one of Resident Evil’s most prominent antagonists, is not present in many of the main games, as much of his story is told in RE:0 and RE:Verse. Jumping into Resident Evil 5, the final chapter in Wesker’s story, might be a bit premature given his lack of presence throughout the story of CAPCOM’s remake.

Resident Evil 5 is, for many, more of an action game than a horror game, and it’s only fair to be cautious about how true CAPCOM adheres to that premise. While many of the titles included thus far in the RE:make series have been horror-centric, CAPCOM clearly seems to want a more “serious” look for the titles included. In the specific case of Resident Evil 5, this may not be the right move, and players may find the game fundamentally different from the original game.

While I’m personally excited about the potential Resident Evil 5 remake, I’m not going to pretend I’m not cautious about the direction the game might take. However, it’s important to remember that no matter how different the Resident Evil 5 remake is, the original game is always there. The original is still available online, so fans of the classic who don’t own a digital copy yet can still immortalize it forever.


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